Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Free write Activity

Free write Activity

Q Assignment Overview Note: for this assignment, you will need a personal belief that you are interested in using for the essay or are planning to use for the essay. We covered this activity in the first couple weeks of class, but I wanted to bring it back because this essay is a great opportunity to put it to work. Thinking about your topic/belief for the upcoming essay, please freewrite about the following: • set a timer for 3-5 minutes and freewrite about everything you can think of in favor of your chosen belief or topic. Let the ideas flow, but keep focused only on things that support your chosen belief. The idea is to believe everything you can about your topic/belief to take inventory of the ideas on that "side" of the argument. • set a timer for 3-5 minutes and freewrite about everything you can think of against your chosen belief or topic. Let the ideas flow, but keep focused only on things that challenge your chosen belief. The idea is to doubt everything you can about your topic/belief to take inventory of the ideas on that "side" of the argument. Assignment Guidelines In order to be eligible for credit, you will submit a written response of at least 200 words that follows the believing/doubting game directions above. Please submit your assignment in the text box. Rubric Assignment Rubric Assignment Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComplete The student meets all of the guidelines for the assignment as outlined on the assignment. 2 pts Complete The student meets all of the guidelines for the assignment as outlined on the assignment directions. 1 pts Incomplete The student missed at least some of the criteria or guidelines for the assignment. 0 pts Missing The student did not turn the assignment in before the deadline. 2 pts Total Points: 2 PreviousNext

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Although we live in a modernized era full of technology and there is a scientific explanation for everything that exists and every phenomenon that takes place. There are still certain things that science cannot explain, because of which I believe that supernatural entities do exist. It is a controversial topic being debated over in almost every religion. Like other controversial issues, it does not have a negative impact on society, but it is something that is yet to be proven.